Can You Talk After Wisdom Teeth Removal? A Guide for Recovery 2023

You might be concerned about whether speaking would be difficult while recovering if you recently had your wisdom teeth removed or are considering having the treatment. 

This post will discuss if you can talk after removing your wisdom teeth and offer some advice to make the rehabilitation process go more smoothly. 

Can You Talk After Wisdom Teeth Removal A Guide for Recovery 2023

Can you talk after wisdom teeth removal?

The good news is, yes, you can still talk after this dental procedure. While it may take time to regain your ability to speak fully, talking should not be a major issue post-surgery.

While it is possible to speak after having your wisdom teeth removed, you may experience temporary difficulties due to swelling and soreness in your mouth. 

This discomfort can affect the movement of your tongue and lips, making speech feel awkward or impaired.

Immediately after the extraction, you may experience numbness or swelling in your mouth and jaw. This can make it difficult to form words properly or articulate them clearly. 

However, normal speech should gradually return as the anesthesia wears off and the swelling subsides. 

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It’s important to note that everyone heals differently, so while some individuals may have no trouble speaking within a few hours or days, others may take longer to recover their speech abilities fully.

Why are wisdom teeth removed?

One reason why wisdom teeth are removed is that they can become impacted. Impacted wisdom teeth occur when there isn’t enough room to grow properly. As a result, they may only partially erupt or come in at an angle, causing pain and swelling.

Another common reason for extraction is when wisdom teeth cause crowding or shifting of the other teeth.

The pressure exerted by incoming wisdom teeth can disrupt the alignment of your existing dentition and undo years of orthodontic work.

Sometimes, wisdom tooth removal is necessary to prevent oral health issues such as gum disease or cavities. 

Since these molars are located at the back of the mouth, cleaning them effectively can be difficult. This increases the risk of developing dental problems that could impact oral health.

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Furthermore, leaving impacted or problematic wisdom teeth untreated may lead to more serious complications.

Cysts and tumors can develop around impacted molars, potentially damaging surrounding bone structures if left unaddressed.

How long does it take to recover from wisdom teeth removal?

Most people need 7 to 10 days to fully recuperate after having their wisdom teeth removed. You can feel pain and swelling in your jaw for several days following the treatment. 

This is typical and can be handled with pain medication that your oral surgeon or dentist prescribes. 

Ice packs applied to the affected area also assist in reducing edema.

Regarding diet, limiting yourself to liquids and soft meals for the first few days after surgery is advisable. 

It is best to avoid spicy or hot foods since they may aggravate the extraction sites.

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Exercise or vigorous physical activity should be avoided for the first few days after surgery since they can worsen bleeding and delay healing.

A faster healing process will result from resting and relaxing.

What should you not do after wisdom teeth removal?

After wisdom teeth removal, taking proper care of your mouth is crucial to promote healing and prevent complications. Here are some things you should avoid doing during the recovery period:

1. Avoid rinsing or spitting forcefully: This can dislodge blood clots and impede healing. Instead, gently rinse your mouth with salt water after meals to keep it clean.

2. Don’t use straws: Sucking on a straw can create suction in your mouth, which may also dislodge blood clots and delay healing.

3. Steer clear of hard or crunchy foods: Stick to soft foods like yogurt, mashed potatoes, soup, and smoothies for the first few days. Hard or chewy foods can irritate the surgical site.

4. Say no to smoking: Smoking can significantly hinder the healing process by reducing blood flow and increasing the risk of infection. It’s best to abstain from smoking until you’re fully healed.

5. Avoid intense physical activity: Strenuous exercise can cause increased bleeding or throbbing at the extraction site. Take it easy for a few days and gradually resume normal activities as your dentist or oral surgeon recommends.

By following these guidelines, you’ll give yourself the best chance for a smooth recovery after wisdom teeth removal without any unnecessary setbacks!

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Do wisdom teeth hurt when you talk?

When the wisdom teeth are extracted, it can cause inflammation and soreness in the surrounding tissues. This can make speaking uncomfortable, especially if you need to open your mouth wide or move your jaw a lot while talking. 

The discomfort typically peaks within the first few days after surgery and gradually subsides as you heal.

It’s important to note that not all individuals will experience pain while talking after having their wisdom teeth removed. 

Some people may only feel slight discomfort or none at all. 

Factors such as the complexity of the extraction procedure and individual pain tolerance can also influence how much pain you might feel when speaking.

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To manage discomfort while talking, try taking smaller bites of food and chewing slowly. 

Avoid hard or chewy foods that require excessive jaw movement. 

Keeping good oral hygiene by gently rinsing with warm salt water can help reduce inflammation and promote healing.

Remember to follow your dentist or oral surgeon’s post-operative instructions carefully to ensure proper healing and minimize any potential complications.

Which teeth are most important for speech?

First and foremost, your front teeth—the incisors—are crucial for pronouncing sounds like “th,” “f,” and “v.” 

These sounds require the placement of the tongue against the back of the upper or lower incisors. These teeth are necessary to articulate these sounds clearly.

Additionally, your canines also contribute significantly to speech. They help enunciate sounds like “s” and “sh” by guiding airflow through narrow spaces between them and other teeth.

Furthermore, your molars aid in producing vowel sounds like those found in words like “food” or “moon.” 

While they may not be as directly involved as the front teeth, their absence could affect clarity.

Each tooth plays its part in creating intelligible speech. Although wisdom teeth removal does not directly impact speaking ability since they are located at the back of the mouth, it’s still essential to maintain good oral health for optimal communication skills.

Bottom Line

After removing your wisdom teeth, it’s crucial to proceed slowly and pay attention to your oral health. Dr. Patel advises patients to drink enough fluids to prevent swelling in the gums and tongue and to refrain from biting down on hard foods or ice during the first few days following surgery. 

To avoid overdoing the chewing motions the first few days, he also advises resting your jaw as much as possible. If any pain lasts more than a few days or your dental hygiene routine changes, call your dentist.


How long does it take for speech to return to normal after wisdom teeth removal?

Speech typically improves gradually over a few days to a week as the swelling and discomfort subside. However, the exact timeline can vary from person to person.

Should I avoid talking altogether after wisdom teeth removal?

Avoiding talking altogether is unnecessary, but it is recommended to rest your mouth and limit excessive talking during the initial recovery period. This will help reduce swelling and promote healing.

Is it normal to experience changes in pronunciation or articulation after wisdom teeth removal?

Temporary changes in pronunciation or articulation may occur due to swelling or discomfort in the mouth and jaw area. However, these changes typically resolve as the healing process progresses.

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